5 Ways Martial Arts Builds Your Self Confidence

Tiger Sun Martial Arts

If you value a strong, healthy self confidence that carries you through challenging times and motivates you to achieve your highest potential, then martial arts is for you.

Self-confidence is like a muscle, it needs to be exercised in order to grow and develop. In the 18 plus years that I’ve been teaching Martial Arts, we have developed 5 areas of focus in building self-confidence that last. These 5 areas of focus can be developed and internalized by anyone – with the right guidance and practice:

1. Correct Body Posture. The importance of the correct body posture is paramount. We all send hidden, sub-conscious messages with our body language and the way we carry ourselves. Carry yourself with pride, confidence and security. Carry yourself like a successful person and your confidence will show.

2. Proper Eye Contact. Making proper eye contact when speaking to others has a huge effect on the conversation. Have you ever been talking to somebody and instantly felt connected? Like you’ve known this person forever? Chances are, they understand the importance of body language, and proper eye-contact.

3. Goal Setting. Goal setting is talked about by everybody, and most people understand the importance of this process. Then why do most people miss their mark? Because they don’t have the discipline and confidence to see the goal through. Our Martial Arts Training process teaches you the right way to set goals and helps you develop the confidence to actually achieve them!

4. Communication. Inspiring those around you is critical to getting what you want. Whether they are your children, co-workers, employees or boss, good leaders are inspirational. At Tiger Sun Martial Arts we practice and teach this inspirational formula.

5. Mentors. All of the skills above, a healthy body and mind combined with a good mentors will make all the difference in the world in the development of your happiness, confidence and success.

If you are interested in learning more about how martial arts can help your self confidence, please contact us at www.tigersunmartialarts.com or visit our Frisco Location at: 2552 Stonebrook Pkwy, Ste 425 Frisco, TX 75034 or call us at 469-642-6000 and set up your free trail lesson.

Tiger Sun Martial Arts

By Tiger Sun Martial Arts March 5, 2021
Dear Tiger Sun students and families, As you know it was recently announced that masks will no longer be mandated by the state of Texas, and that businesses will be responsible for their own individual requirements. As Martial arts teachers our first priority is, and always has been, the safety and wellbeing of our students. Training in our dojang is an indoor activity that involves gathering diverse groups of people in close proximity and exhaling vigorously. For these conditions, the CDC and medical experts all agree that the use of masks are vital to prevent the spread of COVID -19. By continuing to require masks, we know that we are not only safeguarding the health of our students and staff, but also that of all of the friends and family members our students come into contact with as well. We respectfully ask that everyone join us in our commitment to doing our part for public safety. We are encouraged by the progress that is being made throughout the U.S in the battle against COVID-19, and we are optimistic that with vaccination numbers rising that the situation will keep improving. We will continue to offer both in person and online classes so that students can train in the format that makes them feel most comfortable. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation. It is because of your ongoing support that our dojang has continued to operate throughout this Pandemic. We are thankful for every member of our incredible community. Respectfully, Master Park, Jungho
February 24, 2020
Take a look at all of your fighting idols each one of them has a team of trainers, role models and idols that they respect, look up to on there team pushing them to be there very best. We are a direct reflection of our idols, peer group or team. If your fight team is filled with unfocused, unsupportive people with negative attitudes that do not give you the discipline or support you need, you will unconsciously take on the same attitude and get no where in your fighting career. You will not believe in yourself, be motivated to train and will not become the best you can be inside and outside of the ring. Choosing your idols, role models and fight team members should be taken seriously. We take on the attitudes of those we look up to, respect and interact with. Choose your fight team wisely in regards to everyone on your team being positive and supportive so that you can achieve your goal. Each member should push you to your limits that you thought you could never rise to because they give you strength and encouragement when you feel like giving up and you feel that you can not go any further. “IF YOU CAN TELL ME WHO YOUR HERO’S ARE I CAN TELL YOU HOW YOU’RE GOING TO TURN OUT IN LIFE” Warren Buffett This quote hit the nail right on the head, we take on the attitudes and beliefs of our peers and hero’s. That is why it is important to have focused, positive and supportive people around us and to rid ourselves of anyone who brings us down. That is how to achieve and obtain a high level of success in our Martial Arts careers and in life in general. Champions are made up by a team/group who contribute their knowledge and effort for the attainment of a definite goal or purpose “ The Black Belt” It’s important and essential that your team is this way for you to be a champion. Choose to associate with people who share common goals and have a strong desire to contribute to the overall effort. Trail and error is part of the process. Sort out what strengths and weakness’ you have when it comes to your fight game, look for individuals to help you eliminate your weakness’. Sort out each team member’s strength’s and weakness’ and in fine tuning your plans each team member should have a specific purpose or responsibility to make you a better fighter and bring out the best in you and your abilities in the ring and outside of it.
Frisco Martial Artist Kicking
January 7, 2020
That’s the difference between a champion and just another martial arts practitioner. The difference between winning and losing. Having an indomitable spirit that never gives up! This is the attitude you must have to overcome all the obstacles in your training and in life. Focus, hard work and commitment are some of the key factors in the making of a champion. Knowing the right way to train/condition your mind and body will increase your odds in becoming a champion. So how do you go about it? First it starts with your most powerful asset or weapon you have, your thoughts. We are all in control of our destiny because we control our thoughts. “WHAT THE MIND CAN BELIEVE THE MIND CAN ACHIEVE” A lot of people do not like to hear this because it makes them responsible for where they are at in life, it takes away excuses for failing, not trying or giving up. It’s all about attitude that sets you apart from every one else. An indomitable spirit that never gives up, that is the attitude you need to defeat your opponents in the ring or outside of it in the real world. When you don’t feel like training because you are tired from a long day at work or your or there are other things you need to get done these could be excuses that can be in the way of you achieving your goals. You have to train and condition your mind to focus on your goal so you have a burning desire to obtain it. If two opponents of equal strength and fighting ability step into the ring the man with the stronger mind will be victorious. Here are some ways to train your mind to have the edge over your opponent. Take time to visualize your match or techniques in your mind with a clear, detailed and realistic picture for 10-30 minutes twice a day once in the morning when you awake and before going to sleep. This will feed positive messages of victory in your conscious and subconscious mind. • Find a quiet place to sit or lay down, whatever makes you comfortable and begin to visualize. • Always visualize what YOU are going to do not what your opponent is going to do because you can only control yourself. • Visualize yourself always moving quickly, effortlessly and being victorious. Also be sure to feel the emotions that come with it. • Visualize as if you have already obtained your goal, SMELL the scents of the arena. TASTE the salt from your sweat on your lips. HEAR the crowd chanting your name. FEEL and TOUCH the championship belt around your waist and the crowd’s energy as you put up your hands in victory. • Surround yourself with positive people who push you to be your very best, believe in you and your goal and will help you achieve it. Having supportive people around will help deflect negative thinking and will rub off on you, we become who we hang out with. That is why we practice a great deal of Positive communication and reinforcement at Tiger Sun Martial Arts Dojang. • Read biographies of your idols on the obstacles they overcame to get to where they are today. The key to visualization is to have 100% belief and faith that you WILL ACHIEVE YOUR GOAL and this is YOUR PURPOSE AND DESTINY. Push away any doubt you have when it comes into your mind or the negative thoughts will cancel out the positive message. After a little while it well becomes easier to believe what you are telling yourself. The mind can not tell what is real or imagined when you keep telling it something. You will subconsciously begin believing those messages. attracting people in your life that will help you reach your goal and you will begin ACTING, TRAINING and Performing your Martial Arts Skills like a champion.
By Tiger Sun Martial Arts January 7, 2020
Just about everyone knows about the popular martial arts, such as Tae Kwon Do, Karate, MMA, Kung Fu Kick Boxing…some people have even thought about trying out a class. But have you ever actually done it? Do you need a reason? Just about everyone has thought about taking up a martial art at some point in time. Maybe as another way to stay in shape. Possibly as a means to protect yourself from the school bully. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of reasons why people choose to take up Martial arts, but I want to take a second to outline what I feel are the most important reasons to at least try a martial art. Maybe it’s for yourself, maybe it’s for your children…whatever the reason, all martial arts contain a unique wealth of knowledge and discipline that you simply can’t get anywhere else. My hope is that this article will inspire you to get out of your chair and into a Martial arts school to see what martial arts is all about. Self Confidence As you train in martial arts, you will notice a lot if improvements, such as your physique, balance, awareness, flexibility, and many other physical and mental characteristics. Martial Arts will teach you how to combine these capabilities and use them to succeed in competitions, attaining higher belts, building friendships and protecting yourself if necessary. The more you can do, the more confident you will be. Self Defense One of the most common reasons to study martial arts is to learn how to defend one’s self. A number of schools may dedicate class time and/or offer a scheduled class that strictly goes over self defense tactics. Also, depending on the Martial Arts style or school, self defense can be a large part of the curriculum, which can be beneficial to those interested in “applicable arts” (arts you can use in everyday life) as opposed to “traditional arts”. Self Discipline Webster defines self-discipline as the “correction or regulation of oneself for the sake of improvement”. Whether it be trying to make a high school team or meeting company deadlines, once you learn the focus necessary to succeed in Martial Arts you can apply it to the rest of your life. Success is mental, and Martial Arts will teach you the self discipline necessary to succeed at anything you put your mind to. Coordination Martial arts does require a lot of hand, foot, eye, and mental coordination, but all of this is developed over time. If you consider yourself as an uncoordinated person, training in the martial arts will help you grow those skills. You’ll be amazed what your body is capable of doing! Even if you are a natural athlete, standing on one foot, while kicking with the other, and blocking with your hands is quite difficult and involves coordination. Fitness Martial Arts does not have to focus only on fighting or self defense as some styles are based more on fitness. Tae Bo and Tai Chi are two examples of this. However, those with an interest in the fighting & self-defense aspects of Martial arts will find their fitness levels quickly increasing as training not only develops various muscle groups, but flexibility and balance as well. One’s level of fitness can be just as important in winning a match as one’s skills and abilities. Family Enjoyment Most people don’t know that this is an excellent way to spend time together with your family! Some martial art schools allow families to train together and others separate classes by age groups. Regardless of how classes are segregated, families find themselves enjoying the time spent together. It is not unheard of having a family all test together for various ranks and black belts. Meet New People – Martial Arts is for everyone… Many martial art schools structure their classes into three age groups: Kids – usually ranging from about 5 to 11 years old, Teens – 12 to about 16 or 17, and Adults – usually starts at 18, but some schools make exceptions when necessary. Some schools also offer a “Little Tiger” program geared towards the 4 – 6 year old crowd. Age groups are then broken down into belt ranks allowing you to train with people that are relatively of equal skills and age. Often times people who begin martial arts together will develop a bonding friendship and even obtaining their black belts at the same time because they pushed one another during their tuff times.
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